How I Fought Against Information Overload And Won!

And how you can do it too

Ryan Spence
4 min readAug 26, 2020
Wooden desk with a white coffee cup, Apple iMac, ipad and Rode Procaster microphone sitting on it.
Photo by Ryan Spence

Dear reader, I’m an information junkie.

There, I said it. First time I’ve said it in public (well technically I haven’t said it as it’s in writing, but you get the gist). I have a compelling need to read stuff, no matter how random or unrelated it might be to anything I need to know. It’s not that I want to be the smartest person in the room (who wants to be that guy), just able to contribute to any conversation or debate. But more than that, I like learning new things.

Nothing wrong with that right? Technically no, but the crux of the problem is I collect too much information. And reader, I fear I’m now at the point where no matter how hard I tried, I could never get through it all.

While writing this article, I decided to check the number of saved items I have across all apps and devices. It’s something I’ve been putting off for a long time as I knew the answer would scare me. I was right; it did. I stopped when I reached 200 as there didn’t seem to be much point carrying on. I was nowhere near the end of the road.

Yes, I know that’s insane! And the problem is that the total number (whatever it is) will be significantly higher tomorrow and the next day and the next because there’s no way I can get through that…



Ryan Spence

life coach for lawyers and corporate professionals | author | yoga teacher | podcaster | BigLaw dropout. 💫 Twitter & IG: @iam_ryanspence