Nothing Is Linear | Podcast Transcript

Ryan Spence
62 min readOct 25, 2020

A conversation with Sara Riad, yoga teacher and ex-corporate events planner about yoga, transformation and purpose.

Sara Riad: 0:00

When in our lives, have we ever slowed down this much and appreciated? Oh, we can go for a walk in the fresh air. You know, when in our lives have we just stopped and spend that much time with family and connecting with family and getting to know family? So it’s, I would say it’s been a blessing. And the fact that I have friends all over the world, you connect with these people, and you’re like, how are you like what’s happening for you and you’ll get to hear? I’ve gotten so much closer to a lot of people that I used to know that I now know very well just because of this, this virus.

Ryan Spence: 0:36


Welcome to Episode Four of The Yoga Den Podcast. This week’s guest is another corporate escapee. Someone else who has made the switch from the corporate world to the yoga world.

Sara Riad is an ex-corporate events planner turned yoga teacher. Originally from Egypt, Sara is now based in Singapore. And in a short time has built up a regular following of students online, teaching multiple classes a week to students from all…



Ryan Spence

life coach for lawyers and corporate professionals | author | yoga teacher | podcaster | BigLaw dropout. 💫 Twitter & IG: @iam_ryanspence